Studio Total is creative playground and production lab of Tim Kaiser and home of the cycling culture initiative

Since 2008, independent individuals or teams have been working in the studio in changing constellations from the fields of: photography, film, fashion, graphics, art, code and micromobility.



The studio is located in a heritage workshop building from 1924. The space is 170sqm and equipped with kitchen, bathroom, fixed coving, separate workshop, fast WiFi, laser printer and cutting plotter. Accessible via loading ramp and freight elevator.

Alumni Friends & Projects

Felix Reimers Spieker Film Lab, Johann Jahnke, Marc Wright, Team-Tejat – Julien Mühlenpfordt, Anne Schwätzler, Katharina Trudzinski, Frauke Buchholz, Felix Liebel, Jan Stiewe, Hui-Hui, Cooper Copter, Frederick Vidal, Coopervane, Jessica Broscheit, Florian de Brün, Dare Magazin, America Mendez, Marie-Louise Vogt, Tobias Unger, Annika Kahrs, Julia Kneuse, Jie Liu, Sarah Omar.

Photos: Tim Kaiser